Medical Insurance

Hereunder will show a shortly Suez Canal Insurance Company's medical insurance products:

Individual Medical insurance policy

The individual healthcare product is applicable for each member separately or it can be offered as a family product. In any case, all applicants have to fill in the medical application.
If a family product is being offered, all applicants need to have the same plan, network and inception date.
The maximum applicable age at entry of the insured to the policy is 60 years.

(for any further info contact us on 16569) or

SME Medical insurance policy

An SME is accompany, registered in Egypt, with a valid trade license which has the following characteristics.

It is a compulsory group which means that either all employees or employees and all their dependents are enrolled.
It consists of less than 250 insured members.
All insured members have the same benefits (no categorization of the insured members).

(for any further info contact us on 16569) or

Group Medical insurance policy

It is a compulsory group which means that either all employees or employees and all their dependents are enrolled.
It consists of less/more than 250 insured members.
Categorization of the insured members is available.

(for any further info contact us on 16569) or

Benefits of Healthcare Products

In-Patient Benefits(including):

Intensive Care Unit
Specialist’s fees (Surgeon, anesthesiologist and attending physicians Laboratory tests, X-Rays)
Physiotherapy as post-surgical treatment
Parent Accommodation (During hospitalization of insured child)
Nursing care at home (Instead of required hospitalization)
Organ Transplant (Covers only surgical procedure of the insured as a recipient and not the organ donor)
Ambulance (If followed by an In-Patient case)

Optical Benefit(including):

Prescribed contact lenses or glasses for spectacles

Cancer Treatment(including):

Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and out-of-hospital benefits

Out-Patient Limit(including):

Physician Consultation
Diagnostic test (Laboratory tests, X-Rays, electrocardiograms, scans)
Prescribed Medication

Maternity Benefit(including):

Covered only for new cases Hospitalization, day treatment and out-patient benefits

Dental Benefit(including):

Dentist consultations, X-ray, root canal treatments, teeth extractions, composite fillings, glass ionomer, amalgam, medication and gum treatment

Pre-Existing Conditions & Chronic Conditions(including):

Sub-limits are applicable for all In-Patient and Out-Patient services
Underwriting process needs

Individual Product

A filled-in Medical Application Form
A copy of a national ID or of a passport for adults and a copy of birth certificate for children

SME Product

Filled-in Group Application Form
Census List including the above fields
A filled in Medical Application Form for members above 60 years

Group Product

Census list including the following information for each INSURED MEMBER: Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Nationality, Plan, Country of residence
Tables of benefits: required and expired
Current insurer and previous insurers
Past claim experience (applicable for Group business only and preferably last 3 year)
For any inquiries feel free to send us a message